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兰俊卿 副教授
2017-02-01 10:38     (阅读:)


兰俊卿,男,副教授,生于1983年,中共党员,无线电物理理学博士学位。日本名古屋工业大学特聘研究员。担任IEEE ICES 标准协调委员会成员。在国际、国内外多个权威期刊(IEEE TEMCACES等)担任审稿人。


1. 无线功率传输技术;

2. 电磁辐射安全;

3. 人工智能深度学习算法研究;

4. 微波多物理场数值计算;


1. 基于介电系数测量的牛晶状体微波非热效应研究,国家自然科学基金,项目主持人,结题;

2. 医用可植入式胶囊型诊断机器人无线充电系统关键技术研发,四川省科技厅重点研发项目,项目主持人,在研;

3. 远距离磁谐振式无线功率传输系统理论研究及优化设计,“无线功率传输”教育部重点实验室开放基金,项目主持人,在研;

4. 基于介电系数测量的多频电磁辐射微波生物非热效应研究,四川省教育厅重点项目,项目主持人,结题;

5. 基于谐振的片状介质加热设计,横向项目,项目主持人,在研。

6. 涡流检测传感器阵列设计与回波处理技术研究,中国石油化工股份有限公司,第一主研,结题。

7. UHF RFID在医疗手术器械追踪中的应用技术研究,四川省科技厅应用基础研究,第二主研,结题



1. Planar Omnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Novel Metasurface, 2021, 64(2), IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,SCIJCR 2区)第一作者

2. Evaluation of Non-Thermal Microwave Effects on Bovine Lens by Measuring S-Parameters Induced by Variations in Dielectric Coefficient.2021, 9: 54152, IEEE ACCESS.SCI000640998200001JCR 2区)第一作者

3. Effect of Loudspeakers on the in Situ Electric Field in a Driver Body Model Exposed to an Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer System, 2020, 13:3635, Energies.SCI000557853000001. JCR 3区)第一作者

4. On the effects of glasses on the SAR in human head resulting from wireless eyewear devices at phone call state. 2018, 136:29-36, Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, SCI000449902500006. JCR 3区)第一作者

5. Evaluation of Temperature Elevation in Human Ocular Tissues due to Wireless Eyewear Devices, 2019, 34(1): 17-24, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal,SCI000459390600003. JCR 4区), 第一作者

6. Evaluation of Microwave Microdosimetry for Human Eyes with Glasses Exposed to Wireless Eyewear Devices at Phone Call State. 2018, 63:71-81, Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, EI20180204642377., 第一作者

7. An approach for simulating the microwave heating process with a slow rotating sample and a fast-rotating mode stirrer. 2019, 140:440-445, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.SCI000479021600035. JCR 1区), 第二作者

8. Electronic structure, elastic and thermal transport properties of thorium monocarbide based on first-principles study, 2019, 524. Journal of Nuclear Materials,SCI000478693700014.. JCR 1区), 第二作者

9. 不同功率微波辐射下牛晶状体非热效应定量研究,2019, 1:4bevictor伟德官网学报,核心,第一作者

10. A simulation method of coupled model for a microwave heating process with multiple moving elements. 2020, 231(6): 116339. Chemical Engineering Science.SCI000609002800013. JCR 2区), 第二作者

11. A Phase-Shifting Method for Improving the Heating Uniformity of Microwave Processing Materials. 2016, 95: 309. Materials,SCI000378628500004. JCR 3区), 第二作者

12. Thermoelectric properties of Janus MXY (M = Pd, Pt; X, Y = S, Se, Te) transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers from first principles. Journal of Applied Physics. SCI000515689000026. JCR 3区), 第二作者

13. Electronic transport of SiC molecular chains in parallel via first-principles calculations, Journal of Applied Physics,SCI000472064100019. JCR 3区), 第二作者。

14. Dynamic analysis and simulation on continuous flow processing of biodiesel production in single-mode microwave cavity. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanics, SCI000377871000009. JCR 4区), 第二作者。

15. Bivariate characterization and measurement for effective permittivity of esterification reactions at 2450 MHz for multiphysics simulation. 2015, 47(4):927-937. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanics,SCI000355787200005. JCR 4区), 第二作者。

16. Effect of the rotating metal patch on microwave heating uniformity. 2018, 52(2): 1-15, Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy,SCI000435013500003. JCR 4区), 第二作者。


1. bevictor伟德官网,校级优秀共产党员,20172018年度;

2. bevictor伟德官网,院级优秀党员,2017年;

3. bevictor伟德官网,第八届青年教师教学奖优秀奖,2017年;

4. 第十届教职工多媒体课件大赛,三等奖。







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